MapLink™ Procedures | Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

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Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
The requirements of this section may be applied to any other proposed conditional use or special exception which for reasons of location, design, existing traffic or other community or environmental considerations, as determined by the Borough, warrants the application of the study required herein in order to determine what conditions will be required to mitigate any adverse effects of the proposed use. The Council, Planning Commission, or Zoning Hearing Board, as the case may be, may waive certain components of the EIS if such components are deemed unnecessary for certain uses.

Purpose of EIS. The purpose of this EIS is to disclose the environmental consequences of a proposed action for consideration by the Borough for the determination of approval or denial of the project and, if the project is approved, for the establishment of conditions of approval. This requirement is made in order to protect the natural environment with respect to water quality, water supply, soil erosion, pollution of all kinds, flooding and waste disposal, to preserve trees and vegetation, and to protect watercourses, air resources and aquifers.

Contents of EIS. An EIS shall include a description of the proposed use, including location relationship to other projects or proposals, with adequate data and detail for the Borough to assess the environmental impact. The EIS shall also include a comprehensive description of the existing environment and the probable future effects of the proposal. The description shall focus on the elements of the environment most likely to be affected as well as potential regional effects and ecological interrelationships.

Analysis of items. See § 215-37E.

Additional considerations. The following shall also be addressed:
(1) A description of alternatives to the proposed use.
(2) A statement of any adverse impacts which cannot be avoided.
(3) Environmental protection measures, procedures and schedules to minimize damage to critical impact areas during and after construction.
(4) A list of all licenses, permits and other approvals required by municipal, county or state law and the status of each.
(5) A listing of steps proposed to minimize environmental damage to the site and region during and after construction.

Qualifications. The EIS shall be prepared by a professional architect, landscape architect, planner, engineer or other qualified individual whose qualifications have been previously approved by the Borough Council or the Zoning Hearing Board, as the case may be.

Procedures for evaluating the EIS.
(1) Upon receipt of the application, the Borough shall forward the EIS to the Borough Engineer and any other agency or firm which the Borough may desire for consultation.
(2) The above-mentioned agencies shall review the applicant's EIS and report their comments to the Planning Commission and Council or the Zoning Hearing Board.
(3) The Planning Commission and/or Council or the Zoning Hearing Board may require the opinion of experts in its review of the EIS.
(4) Fees for the costs of such consultation as described in H(1) and H(3), above, shall be paid by the applicant.
(5) Copies of the EIS shall be on file and available for inspection in the Borough office.
(6) The Planning Commission shall evaluate the proposed project and the EIS and recommend action on same to the Council or the Zoning Hearing Board.