MapLink™ Procedures | General Procedures for Permits

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General Procedures for Permits
General procedure for permits.
A. Principal permitted use. Within 90 days of receiving a proper and complete application for a principal permitted use (permitted by right), the Zoning Officer shall either:
(1) Issue the permit under this chapter; or
(2) Refuse the permit, indicating at least one applicable reason, in writing, to the applicant or his/her representative.
B. Reviews. Certain activities require approval of the Zoning Hearing Board and/or of the Council, and/or the recommendations of the Planning Commission. In such case, the Zoning Officer shall not issue a zoning permit until such required review or approval occurs.

C. Appeal. See § 215-108B, which describes processes to appeal actions of the Zoning Officer to the Zoning Hearing Board.

D. Timing. After a zoning permit has been received by the applicant, the applicant may undertake the action permitted by the permit under this chapter, provided the work complies with other Borough ordinances. However, it is recommended that applicants wait 30 days to begin construction if there is a possibility of an appeal by another party to have the permit revoked. Any commencement of construction or a use within this thirty-day appeal period shall be at the risk of the applicant. (See use permit process in § 215-105G).

See Zoning permits and other permits for more information.
See Permit and application payment for more information.
See Permits and licensing for more information.