MapLink™ Procedures | Notification, Standards and Information Required

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Notification, Standards and Information Required
Applications. At time of submission of all conditional use and special exception hearings, the applicant shall notify by certified mail all property owners contiguous to and across the street from the parcel which is subject to the Planning Commission meeting not less than 14 calendar days prior to the Planning Commission meeting. Such notice shall be by certified mail to the last-known address of the contiguous owners and owners across the street as listed in Monroe County tax assessment records, and the applicant shall provide proof of the certified mailing to the Borough.
Standards and Criteria. See § 215-111D for detailed information.

Information required. The applicant shall supply the information required by § § 215-105C(3) of this chapter and evidence regarding compliance with the express standards and criteria contained herein, and data or evidence may be accepted from protestants. Such evidence shall be evaluated relative to the injurious impact on the public health, safety, and welfare, and the proposed use shall be approved with appropriate conditions or denied based on said evaluation.