MapLink™ Procedures | Appeals

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Time limits for appeals.
The time limitations for appeals shall be as follows:
A. Zoning Hearing Board; county court. No person shall be allowed to file any appeal with the Zoning Hearing Board later than 30 days after the officially issued decision of the Zoning Officer, or appeal to the County Court of Common Pleas later than 30 days after the officially issued decision of the Council or the Zoning Hearing Board, except as may be provided under Section 914.1 of the MPC.

B. Temporary permits. This thirty-day time limit for appeal shall not apply to the revocation of a permit issued by the Zoning Officer under § 215-105E.

C. Subdivision or land development approval. The failure of an aggrieved person, other than the landowner, to appeal an adverse decision directly related to a preliminary subdivision or land development plan shall preclude an appeal from a final plan approval, except in the case where the final submission substantially deviates from the approved preliminary plan.

Appeals to court and other administrative proceedings.
Appeals to court and other administrative proceedings shall be governed by Article X-A and Article IX of the MPC, respectively.