MapLink™ Procedures | Permits

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(1) Applications. Any request for action by the Zoning Hearing Board, application for a conditional use or for a permit under this chapter shall be made, in writing, on a form provided by the Borough and in accord with the procedures established by the Borough. Such completed application, with any required fees, and with any required site plans or other required information, shall be submitted to the Borough employee responsible for processing such application. The applicant is responsible to ensure that a responsible Borough official notes the date of the official receipt on the application.
(2) Number of copies. Unless waived by the Zoning Officer, five copies of a site plan shall be submitted if an application requires action by the Zoning Hearing Board or Council, and two copies shall be submitted if action by the Zoning Hearing Board or Council is not required.
(3) Information required. Any application to the Zoning Officer, Zoning Hearing Board, Planning Commission or Council shall include the following information:
(a) In the case of an application involving the construction of any new structure or any addition to an existing structure, all of the information required in this Section C shall be provided by the applicant. However, the Zoning Officer, Planning Commission, Council, or the Zoning Hearing Board, as the case may be, may determine, as part of the review process, that certain information is not required for a particular application, and upon such determination, the specified information need not be provided by the applicant.
(b) In the case of an application which does not involve the construction of any new structure or any addition to an existing structure, a narrative providing details of the project shall be provided as required by this subsection. However, a plot plan, as required by § 215-105C(3)(c)[6] which follows, shall not generally be required unless the Zoning Officer, Planning Commission, Council, or the Zoning Hearing Board, as the case may be, deems such plot plan necessary to evaluate and make a decision on the application. The Zoning Officer, Planning Commission, Council, or the Zoning Hearing Board, as the case may be, shall determine, as part of the review process, the type of information and level of detail of the plot plan if such plot plan is required.
(c) In any case, the Zoning Officer, Planning Commission, Council, or the Zoning Hearing Board, as the case may be, may require any other additional information or any level of detail deemed necessary to determine compliance with this chapter or to identify any impacts of the proposed use.
[1] Names and addresses of the applicant, or appellant, and the name and address of the owner of the affected property.
[2] A description of the existing and proposed use(s) of the property, including numbers of dwelling units, minimum square feet of proposed dwelling units and number of proposed business establishments, if any.
[3] A description of any proposed nonresidential operations and storage in sufficient detail to indicate potential nuisances and hazards regarding noise, large truck traffic, glare, odors, dust, fire or toxic or explosive hazards, or other significant public health and safety hazards.
[4] If a principal nonresidential use is proposed within close proximity to dwellings, a description of hours of operation and proposed methods of storing garbage outdoors on site.
[5] A listing of any specific sections of this chapter being appealed, with the reasons for any appeal.
[6] A plot plan legible in every detail and drawn to scale, but not necessarily showing precise dimensions, which includes the following information:
[a] Name of the development.
[b] Name and address of landowner and/or land developer. (If a corporation, list names of officers.)
[c] Location map.
[d] North arrow, true or magnetic.
[e] Graphic scale.
[f] Written scale.
[g] Date plot plan was completed.
[h] Names of adjacent property owners and tax map numbers, including those across adjacent roads.
[i] Proposed and existing street and lot layout, including street names and right-of-way widths.
[j] Existing and proposed man-made and/or natural features:
[i] Watercourses, lakes and wetlands (with names).
[ii] Rock outcrops, ledges and stone fields.
[iii] Buildings, structures, signs and setbacks required by this chapter.
[iv] Approximate location of tree masses.
[v] Utility lines, wells and sewage system(s).
[vi] Entrances, exits, access roads and parking areas, including the number of spaces.
[vii] Drainage and stormwater management facilities.
[viii] Plans for any required buffer plantings.
[ix] Any and all other significant features.
[7] Location of permanent and seasonal high water table areas and floodplain areas.
[8] Tract boundaries accurately labeled.
[9] The total acreage of the tract and extent of the areas of the site to be disturbed and percentage lot coverage when the project is completed.
[10] Location and type of rights-of-way or other existing restrictive covenants which might affect the subdivision and/or development.
[11] A statement of the type of water supply and sewage disposal proposed.
[12] The present zoning district and major applicable lot requirements.
(4) Other laws. The Zoning Officer may withhold issuance of a permit under this chapter if there is clear knowledge by the Zoning Officer that such a use would violate another Borough, state or federal law or regulation.
(5) Ownership. No person other than a landowner or their specifically authorized agent or a tenant or lessee with written permission of the landowner shall submit a zoning application. (See definition of "landowner" in Article III: Terminology).
(6) Advisory reviews. The Zoning Officer may submit a copy of any plan and application to any appropriate agencies and/or individuals (such as the Planning Commission, the Monroe County Planning Commission, the County Conservation District or Borough Engineer) for review and comment.
(7) Subdivision approval. Applications for uses which also necessitate approvals under Chapter 187: Subdivision and Land Development, shall be processed in the manner provided for plat approval under that ordinance. Such applications shall also contain all information or data normally required for a submission under that ordinance. A zoning permit shall not be issued until the proposed use has been granted a preliminary approval under that ordinance. However, no building or property shall be occupied or used until final subdivision approval has been granted and a certificate of use has been properly issued pursuant to Subsection G, below, of this chapter.

Issuance of permit.
(1) At least two copies of any permit required under this chapter shall be made.
(2) One copy of any such permit shall be retained in Borough files, and one copy shall be retained by the applicant. A copy of any such permit shall be shown by the applicant to the Zoning Officer upon the Zoning Officer's request.
(3) The Zoning Officer shall issue or deny a permit for a principal permitted use within a maximum of 30 days after a complete, duly filed application and fees are submitted.
(4) No owner, contractor, worker or other person shall perform building or construction activity of any kind regulated by this chapter unless a valid zoning permit has been issued and posted for such work, nor shall such persons conduct such work after notice that a zoning permit has been revoked.

Revocation of permits.
(1) The Zoning Officer shall revoke a permit or approval issued under the provisions of this chapter in case of:
(a) Any false statement or misrepresentation of fact in the application or on the plans on which the permit or approval was based. (The Pennsylvania Criminal Code provides for penalties for providing false information to a municipal employee in the carrying out of his/her duties);
(b) Violation of any condition lawfully imposed upon a special exception, variance or conditional use;
(c) Any work being accomplished or land or structures being used in such a way that does not comply with this chapter or an approved site plan or approved permit application; or
(d) Any other just cause set forth in this chapter.
(2) If a zoning permit is revoked, the person holding the permit shall immediately surrender such permit and all copies to the Zoning Officer.