MapLink™ Procedures | Certificate of use

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Certificate of use
Certificate of use.
(1) A certificate of use shall be required by the Borough upon a change of use or completion of work authorized by a permit or approval under this chapter. It shall be unlawful to use and/or occupy a structure, building and/or land or portions thereof until such certificate has been issued. A new certificate of use shall be required if a change in use of the property is proposed, and then such certificate shall be issued only after all required approvals are obtained.
(2) An application for a certificate of use shall be made on an official Borough form. If the use is in conformance with Borough ordinances and approvals, such certificate shall be issued, in duplicate, within 10 business days of a properly submitted and duly filed application. A minimum of one copy shall be retained in Borough records.
(3) The Zoning Officer shall inspect such structure or land related to an application for a certificate of use. If the Zoning Officer determines, to the best of his/her current knowledge, that such work conforms with this chapter and applicable Borough codes, approvals and permits, then such certificate of use shall be issued.
(4) The applicant shall show a valid certificate of use to the Zoning Officer upon the Officer's request.