MapLink™ Procedures | Subdivision and land development plans

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Subdivision and land development plans
(1) The Borough Planning Commission and Borough Council or the Zoning Hearing Board will process an application for a conditional use or a special exception prior to subdivision or development approval if such subdivision or land development approval is required under the provisions of Chapter 187: Subdivision and Land Development. The intent of this provision is to afford the applicant the opportunity to obtain initial zoning approval prior to committing the resources necessary to prepare and submit a detailed plan to conform to the requirements of Chapter 187: Subdivision and Land Development.

(2) Should zoning approval be granted for such use, a complete subdivision or land development plan for said use shall be submitted to the Borough within one year of zoning approval unless a longer term for said submission is established by the Council or the Zoning Hearing Board, as relevant. If the plan is not submitted within the one-year period, the zoning approval shall be null and void.